As you can see, the shape is a lot better but I'm still having trouble making them look somewhat cute and the eyes of someone you could empathise with. If anyone can give me any pointers on this I'd really appreciate it.
Other than that, somebody on Twitter (can't remember who sorry) posted a link to the New York Times website to a really awesome video behind the scenes of Pixar. I mean, I'm sure any of you animators out there have seen a number of these videos but they always make me happy to see. Plus, I think they're a great thing to look at if you're feeling disheartened or struggling with something. Really give you something to work for! I thought it was great anyways so thought I'd share it with anyone listening, give it a watch I'm sure you'll like it too.
I'll post another update when I've got some free time, I'm heading back home for the weekend for my brother's birthday so might struggle to fit one in. Anyway, here's the video.
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