Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Aliens, Flowers and finally some Animation

Finally, back to uni so I can get some more blog posts done. As I said before, I've been away this weekend for my brother's birthday so I have a lot of stuff to catch up on and a lot of it's happening today. I've been asked to do the art for a comic book for a society at university and my flatmate has written a short story for me to transfer into panels so I have to read over that this morning. Not to mention our whole class has been given a choice of about 4 sound clips to choose from that we have to animate to. The choices are pretty good but I need to sit down and make sure I have a good idea before I begin the planning stage. Of course, my final major project is still in progress so I have to finish up tweaking the vertices on my female character, then texturing my male character and finally modelling and texturing my non-existent third character. Oh and finally comes my French studies. I've been putting them off for a couple of months now and thankfully I've not forgotten it, but I started up again over the weekend. So that's pretty much everything I've got to get done in this next week or so. Busy times, but I like being busy.

So I said that I'd upload a video of some animation work I'd been doing with CAT rigs and I've finally rendered it out. But first I have to say that it is still unfinished (as you can see it stops pretty suddenly) and the speed we started on was wrong so I need to slow it down when I have some time free. But anyway, I think it's quite good and I really surprised myself with it.

Any comments on my animation are appreciated andI'll admit I can see a few of them myself, I'm always happy to hear criticism :)

So, other than that I've been continuing with digital painting practice on photoshop, which is something I've picking up pretty quickly I think and I'm really enjoying it. I never really liked painting and photoshop takes away the annoyance of error. Good old Ctrl + Z has helped me a lot.

Here are some quick painting I've done, the second is still unfinished but I'm a bit short on time to finish it in at the moment.

First is a random alien sketch that didn't turn out too well but it's kind of fun:

The second is a flower (yeah very manly). I drew it while watching an episode of Bones about a plant, a bit strange but I grab inspiration whenever I can.

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