Feel like it's been ages since i've blogged (and it probably has) so I better make it a good one :)
Basically I've been spending all of my time trying to model some hair for this character and it's driving me up the wall! Everything I tried ended up looking too flat and I couldn't get a really good alpha texture in time to keep up with my deadlines so I eventually decided to change the style into something much more choppy.
This is what I came up with after hours and hours of tests and many falling outs with the program:

No doubt I'll change it as I'm still not happy with it but it'll do for now. I'd really appreciate pointers on this because it's all a bit chaotic at the moment trying to get this sorted.
Anyway, onto better news, I'm really getting somewhere with my animation. I've so far animated around 4 seconds of the male's side of the 11 second dance I've put to music. Its pretty fast paced but so far I think I've got the timing right and it's quite smooth for my first properly animated piece. Again, here's what I have so far, the music isn't attached but I'm sure you can use your imaginations :)
So, other than that I've spent any free time I can borrowing dvds from the library with my flatmate as we've taken on the mammoth task of watching all of Empire Magazine's Top 500 Years of all Time. We're currently around 150 in, so it's going to take us a while to finish. Most recently was tonight with Hellzapoppin', which is one of the most hilariously wacky films I've ever seen.

So after watching this, and a long conversation with another friend on what our favourite films of all time are (not necessarily the best but our favouite), I decided to make a list of my top 20. The first 10 I'll post tonight and the second 10 I can post tomorrow as I'm practically falling asleep writing this. Night all.
20. The Green Mile

19. House of Flying Daggers

18. Scream

17. Harry Potter

16. Breakfast at Tiffany's

15. It's a Wonderful Life

14. Mrs Doubtfire

13. Beetlejuice

12. Nightmare Before Christmas

11. Back to the Future

So those are 20-11 and as soon as I wake from the deep sleep i'm about to enter I'll tell you the rest :)