Thursday, 8 September 2011

A few more observations

Since yesterday I've done a few more drawings. I'm now working my way up from the basics to make sure my knowledge of human anatomy is as strong as it can be. I started by doings some skull studies, first in the front view (which I haven't uploaded but may do soon) and also a side view which is here. I'm not too worried about getting everything absolutely perfect at the moment. I'm using this more as an exercise in ingraining the process of drawing an anatomically correct person in my mind as well as possible.

I also worked on some fleshed out variations on the skulls. Well, not particularly fleshed out but I wanted to make them a little more human. The one with the goggles and the mask was just me going a bit crazy but I think it looks pretty cool.

The last drawing was done on the bus ride home. Which was, by the way, one of the shakiest, bumpiest bus journeys I've ever been on. But I still managed to do a quick drawing of the only passenger who would stay still.

Well that's about it for today. I'm gonna do some more tonight so if all goes to plan I should have some more to show you by tomorrow.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

An odd request (well a few)

Recently I've been dedicating a lot more time to drawing. It's my passion above all else so why not practice a little more. I tend to get random bursts if improvement in my drawing skills, although they generally come about when I actually sit down and draw a lot so maybe they're not so random. While sitting, bored at my summer job (which I have now finished forever!) I decided I'd ask some people for some requests. Crazy drawings that I could try to create and I definitely got my wish.

First of all came a request from my friend/a talented hotography student who wanted me to draw "a dinosaur in a top hat serving tea and cake to an owl in a waistcoat and a lion in a bowtie". This was not the best drawing of the lot but I was laughing while I drew it so I'll upload it anyway:

Next was a fairly specific request by flatmate/fellow Tweeter/blogger/animator Basil Baradaran ( And I quote, "A skydiving giraffe with Zach Galifianakis riding atop it like Major Kong riding the bomb in Dr Strangelove"
Now this was a fun one to draw. I had never drawn a giraffe OR Zach Galifianakis before so it would be a challenge. I roughed out a drawing of how it would look first and did a more detailed version afterwards:

And as I was uploading these to Twitter I started to get more and more requests. The next was by my University tutor Mel ( "Doc and Marty smashing through the marshmallow man in the DeLorean while it's fighting with a dinosaur a-la King Kong". Now everyone loves a bit of 80's inspired Kaiju mayhem so I set to work and I think this was the most fun to be honest. Reminded me of old Power Rangers episodes so I used the set up of those big monster battles as inspiration:

Then we have a lovely request from a 3D artist Dave (@dave_A_davidson - Now I'm trying to remember this tweet because it was somehow deleted from Tweetlonger "A rabbit fishing at a lake with a few dragonflies, frogs and other things not made too cheesy. Some mushrooms and trees etc." It sounded like a nice drawing so I decided to really go for realism on this one and try out making a realistic composition:

Then finally, an actor/writer from Twitter (again) asked if I could draw a picture for some inspiration for a screenplay he is writing. A story about a guy who sees himself as a superhero (can't give details). He wanted an image of himself drawn heroically with ripped muscles etc. I found it quite a strange and funny one to draw. The proportion is slightly off but it's not too bad. Anyway, here it is. I'd appreicate any comments/criticisms you can give me :)

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

A very short story

As I work mainly on my own in either a gift shop or ice cream stall in my summer job, I have a lot of free time between customers and unlike people who just stand there, I have to make the most of it or I'll go mad. So far I've read Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, a good chunk of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins (I'm not an atheist but not hugely religious either so it's interesting to hear all the arguments), a biography on the incredibly talented Joss Whedon and most of the Grimm Fairy Tales (been meaning to reread a lot of them lately and some I've never actually read). But another thing I've been doing is trying to get back into writing. I decided, as an exercise to get me back into the swing of things, I'd write about the first thing I thought about. This freewriting practice has really helped and I've been so much more creative since I started so I'd definitely recommend it, even if you're not a writer.

Here's what I came up with if you feel like reading:

In a park just like any other you've seen; an expanse of green grass covering the ground beneath, within a fence of green trees with a sole green bench sat at the edge of it. On this green bench was a woman, clearly a young mother with her hair loosely tied back and a stain of unknown origin on her otherwise clean shirt. She sat by a big pile of various bits and pieces any mother tends to carry around with her; bottles of various liquids and a change of clothes were only a couple of the items at her disposal and on her lap lay a "Big Book of Fairy Tales". She had just finished reading one of them to her child and was now using it as something to lean on, exhausted, yet still smiling with adoration at her little princess.

The child was no older than two or three yet was running around with the greatest of ease. She had clearly set her heart on catching the little bird that had landed a few feet away from her, a magpie that didn't fear the child but actually seemed to have no problem playing along. First they looked at each other and as the little girl began to step forward the bird moved a little through the freshly cut grass with a piece of discarded bread still in its beak. Then stopped. The little girl went running after it with the steps almost as tiny as the magpie's. As she grew close, stopping just short of it, again it made its way through the grass almost teasing her.

Her mother smiled more broadly as the little girl spun around to see her mother, pigtails following and she saw the child's bemused yet gleeful face looking towards her. They shared a chuckle and so she span around again to chase the bird, who was now hopping away. The chasing, stopping, laughing and a chasing again went on for a few minutes and although the child could carry of running forever, the mother knew the inevitable was coming. The bird has eaten the bread and grown tired of being chased by this pink frilly menace and with one flap of its wings took off. The little girl turned to her mother, seemingly for some kind of approval. Hesitant for a moment, she eventually gave her daughter the nod she was looking for along with a cheerful thumbs up and with that, the little girl took off once again, this time soaring through the air after her feathery friend. The mother smiled, thinking to herself, "You have to let them spread their wings sooner or later"

I'd really appreciate any comment you have as I could do with the pointers. I barely have time to sit down lately with 9 hour shifts at work and exercise when I get in but I'll try to do some more blog updates with other short stories soon. For now, I better get some sleep, one more day and I have two days off work. Woo :)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Batman and yet more modelling/texturing

Been very busy of late what with work, exercise, 3D Modelling etc. and now Taekwondo (which is pretty awesome) so I've not got loads of 3D work done but I have managed to model and almost texture something half decent.

I've been watching a lot of Nikita yesterday, which is one of the best shows I've seen in ages. I seriously recommend watching it if you're not already. Anyway, I wanted to do a quick model and get it textured for some practice so I took some inspiration from the spy show by making a part of an upscale hosue/mansion. I know it may not seemed linked, but I liked the look of the houses these diplomats or heads of corporations meet that always seem to be robbed/have an assasination attempt happen there. I'm going to keep building onto it so I can make a nice scene and possibly even do a bit of an animation set there if I can make some appropriate characters. Here is my progress on it, I started last night and worked till around 1am then finished modelling and started the texturing this morning/afternoon. It's far from finished but I'm quite happy with the results so far. Comments would really be appreciated along with any ideas you might have on things to include in the scene, it'll help me a lot.

I'm off to bed now as I'm at work again in the morning. I'll try to do another blog post, along with some more of this 3DS Max work and update you on it tomorrow.

Oh and just because I feel like it's my duty as an animator and a comic fan to share this:

I give you the trailer for the Batman Year One animation. Can't wait to see it

Friday, 1 July 2011

Bargain buys and a clear out

Today I decided to do something a bit different and headed into town first thing to spend the day looking around the charity shops/second hand market stalls for some inspiration on my project for next year. I had to find anything that was from the fifties and didn't want to spend a lot (I spent quite a lot anyway. I finally ended up at a tiny stall with a woman who sells traditional sweets and random antiques. Odd combination but it looked quite nice really. She told me she had some old magazines from the fifties, which are just brilliant. They're full of ads doe the weirdest things, the best being the front cover which says "Build your own refridgerator!" It's the most ridiculous thing I've seen in ages but great for some real insight into how people thought back then, particularly in advertising. She also took from a table a few items she was selling for much cheaper and said I could have them! They are all different and I'll start modelling them as props for my Gypsy Shop pretty soon.

That was the good find for the day concerning my project but the real find was something much more awesome. Batmobiles! And a Batcycle. I was walking through the market and I saw a stall with a single Batcycle between all of the trains (which I find rather boring) and as I went to ask how much it was, the guy started to pack it away. He didn't have room for it and I don't think a bunch of toy train fanatics thought much of bat vehicles so he offered me it for £10 down from the £20 marked price. Bargain. I had to get it. But no more spending..

Until I turned the corner and saw a totally different guy selling five of the Batmobiles that go in the same set. Half the size but just as awesome. So I had to buy them. Thankfully, my parents offered to give me the money for them as a reward for getting a first in my third year of uni so they're a gift now. And here they are:

After I got home I decided that, as I had nowhere to put the figurines I had to completely reorganise my shelves and room and throw away some stuff, mainly old games magazines. I managed to completely clear my desk too so now I have room to draw, write and use my wacom finally with both my laptop and my PC set up. The (almost) perfect workspace.

Oh! And I found a 1979 Spiderman Annual in really good condition for £2, which is pretty awesome and I really need to upload a picture of the first page that features the members of the Avengers among others all playing instruments. It's brilliant but you'll have to wait till my next blog (should be tomorrow) to check it out.

So now my life and room are sorted out I get to start the mind-numbing monotony of working at a theme park for the rest of the summer. I'm seriously already counting down the days. I'd be absolutely fine working there but I can't stand just standing around doing nothing so I work way too hard most of the time. Plus people there are kind of cliquey and I don't really fit into all of that. But hey, I need the money and although it's full time hours and the breaks are terrible I have to pay off my overdraft somehow..

Enough of my boring summer job, I'm going to read a book and get to bed for a really early start.

Wow that was a lot of pictures. Maybe I was a little excited how much cool stuff I got today :)

Thursday, 30 June 2011

New Start

Thought I'd start this blog post with saying.. I got a first in my third year at University! :)
I wasn't really dreading reading it until the page finally started to load and then it dawned on me how important it was. It probably won't be part of my final grade but I really needed a good mark right now and if I got too low I wouldn't be able to carry on next year. But yes, I got 70 overall which is dead on a first and although it's a good grade I know next year I'll beat it.

I've been getting my life a bit more organised in the last few days. As anyone who is reading this from Twitter knows, I've been waiting for my new PC to be delivered for the last couple of weeks after some initial problems but it's finally here and today I finished off the last installations I needed to get on with some work.

I've decided to make a lot more effort than I have been in the past. I've recently found a huge amount of determination (which is what makes people successful after all) and have put it to good use already getting myself in shape with a strict exercise regime. This has in turn given me much more energy and spurred me on to do other things. As it is going so well I started to write down all of the things I want to accomplish in the next year. Scratch that, all of the things I WILL accomplish in the next year. Some of the things include;

1. Improving my knowledge on human and animal anatomy to help both my drawing skills and my CG modelling ability.
2. Generally improving my grasp on the various programs I will be using once I have graduated. These incluse 3DS Max, After Effects, Premiere and some others I want to dabble in are Dreamweaver and Maya.
3. I want to ensure I keep to this exercise program. It's making so much difference overall that I have to keep it up now. And I want to aswell.
4. I want to read a lot more on the animation, film and visual effects industry and just about everything to do with them.
5. Getting back into some theory work, reading books on film, pop culture etc. and write blogposts on the subjects.
6. Write more stories. I'm actually a good writer and I have many ideas yet I never seem to get the chance to write them. This, I've realised is just an excuse. I can make time to write them somewhere.
7. Carry on studying French. Learning languages is something I'm really interested in and I've already got a good foundation in French so I see no reason why I should stop now.
8. Keep an artistic journal constantly to note down all my ideas as they're always getting away before I can remember them.
9. Take up a sport that I'm interested in. I'm thinking Martial Arts is my best option there and I've already started looking into places nearby.
10. And finally, keep this blog up to date with posts on all of these things I've been doing and how far I've gotten to accomplishing my goals.

And now I'll say something that sounds crazy. I want to accomplish all of these things starting right now, just as I'm about to start working full time to save for university next year. Unfortunately I don't get a lot towards my studies and I have to work to save so a 40 hour week is going to make it a bit more difficult for me but if I want to be successful then I better start working my hardest now.

Other than my motivational boost, I have spent the past couple of weeks working on some new work. One of the biggest projects I've done recently (and am still working on) is modelling a male human body just from a reference picture for some good topology. I think it's the best human I've modelling and I'm really surprised with myself, making something so realistic without a tutorial. Here is what I have so far, obviously there are some parts that need work on, but I wanted to get the main part down first;

Today I have spend the day working through a list of things to do and so far I've done my workout (even on a day off, woo!), done a couple hours of particle effects tutorials on 3DS Max, almost finished (it just crashed, losing half my work) a long After Effects tutorial from Video Copilot and almost done this blog post. I only have reading and a phone call to make now so I'm pretty well caught up. Going to write my list for tomorrow and relax with either The Illusion of Life or another book for an hour. G'night all

Monday, 13 June 2011

Modelling/Texturing Practice - Suit shop

I'm back for another blog post finally. To be honest I've been a bit caught up with different things lately so it't been a while. A few days ago I attended the event where my final animation is being shown along with everyone else's at the university and it went pretty well :) I'm glad I got to show it and to be honest, compared to a lot of the others there I think it was pretty good.

I've also been doing some quick modelling and texturing practice for the environment. The first thing I decided to make was a 1950's style suit shop. It's not nearly finished and as you can probably tell there's a lot that needs to be done on it. But generally I think the idea, design etc. works well so I'm going to keep working on it.

Short post but here's what I have so far anyway, I'll post an update when I've done a little more work on it.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Researching the 50's

As of late I've been spending a lot of my time researching the 50's and bits of the early 60's for my animated piece next year. It's a really interesting way time period and i've found that I like it more and more the further into the research I get. The main feeling that I wanted to get across was the innocent times of the fifties before people became much more loose and out there in the sixties.
I've found some great sources of information on the time and I'm using it to get a solid foundation in my knowledge of the decade.

Firstly I decided that I'd watch almost exclusively movies/tv shows set in the 50's to get a myself accustomed to how they speak, dress, have their hair, interact with each other, their mannerisms etc. I started by watching some of the more colourful films set in this time such as West Side Story and Grease. West side story was great as it showed a different side to the perfect suburbia often shown in American media and Grease showed high school/teenage life well which fits into the characters I'm thinking of including in my animated short. The music is very distinct at this time with doo-wop and rock and roll being prevalent and the films of this time also have a very distinct style with some great acting talent.

I then decided to look at some more modern interpretations on the time as generally they have a lot of research done already, so I chose the TV series Mad Men. I've been meaning to watch this for a while, and only three episodes in I've already got a nice idea of how people spoke and not high fashion but general fashion is presented really well in this series.

As well as getting my hands on some more movies (Pleasantville, American Graffiti) I have been looking for some classic fifties/sixties television. Some that I was already aware of and have even watched are Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, I Love Lucy, The Ed Sullivan Show, Alfred Hitchcock Presents to name a few. These all had distinct styles so I am going to watch some of these noting down expressions and movement.

I also got a few (well 8) books out of the library, one on facial animation, one on after effects and the rest on writing and acting for animation and some books on 1950's fashion and architecture. They're all helping me figure out what to do with my characters and story and so I had to do some concept art of one of the locations. The one I chose was the gypsy's shop and this is basically what I have so far. I'm pretty damn proud of it too :)

Monday, 23 May 2011

Golden Oldies

Just about to go to bed but I thought I'd do a quick blog post before I sign off. I've been working on my project for next year a bit more today, although I did take a couple of hours off to go to town to buy Tangled on bluray, such a good purchase. Anyway, I don't want to say much about my project but I've decided it'd be a more fun and make the animation a lot more unique if I set it in a different time period. I'm torn between the 50's and 60's so I'e decided to go with the middle of the two. I'm currently researching pop culture, fashion, hairstyles and television/music/films of the time to get a good grasp on what it was like. I think my idea is good enough that, if I put a lot of effort into the story and take my time practicing character modelling and rigging then it can definitely be my best piece yet.

I've started watching almost exclusively 1950's/60's films, with greats like Monroe, Hepburn, Brando, James Stewart, Tony Curtis etc. to get a real feel for the time and it's so interesting I think I'll really enjoy designing the place and people. Today I started by doing some concept art for the sorts of clothes the people might wear, not one character in specific, but anyone. The first I've done is a summer sort of dress quite typical of a young woman in the fifties. I think with digital art techniques I'm learning from ImagineFX I shouldn't have a problem with the concept art side of it.

I have started thinking and doing preproduction work so early because I don't want to rush it. I think this early stuff is really important and I didn't really atke enough time to think things over in the last project, so I won't be making the same mistake this time. Well, I think I'll just leave you with this drawing I did earlier and promise that more will come soon.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Summer Story Development and Disney Story Book

I've decided that this summer (well what I have left of it before I start full time work to save up for next year) I'm going really start making a lot of progress down the road to being the animator I want to be. I want to start my Masters year with all the knowledge I need to make a great animated short for my main project next year so I’ve started to work through the huge amount of 3D world/artist/essentials and ImagineFX magazines I've been collecting as I could afford them over the last year. I've not had much time to look over them properly throughout the year so I figured now would be my best chance to improve in all the different areas of both CGI and traditional drawing/animation as I can. This prompted me to go to the university library while I was back in Sheffield yesterday to have a look through their collection of books on animation etc. and take out some so I can start thinking about my project.

I realised this morning as I thought about my project and other peoples work and what gave it that label of "student film" that everyone seems to dislike so much. I believe that it all has to do with the initial idea. Many of the people whose work I see had such a great idea to start off with but they missed key elements of story writing, thus letting themselves down hugely. I will not hesitate to say that I did this in the project I recently handed in too. I think the thing that comes over you is, "Oh! That's a great idea! I have to start working on it right away" That's all well and good and I can see why many people including myself do this. But really it's a terrible idea. There are key story elements that I think any writer knows; Theme, Arcs and a goal for the character to aim for throughout to name a few. These things don't come to mind instantly and so I think a lot of student films really lack the strength that a professional scriptwriter generally provides. This all comes down to the fact that in a student film, the student has to do everything. This is very rarely the case at any other point of a person's life but in university it's hard and taxing for a film/animation student.

After realising this I began to look through one of the books I had taken out of the university library, "Ideas for the Animated Short". After reading only around ten pages of it, all of the points made were such simple things I had never heard of and here I was, about to jump into a new project, doing concept art already when my story idea, although good had so many problems. This is why I've decided that I'm not going ahead with any of the pre-production work until I have a solid idea with no problems. This book has already shown me how important a strong idea/story is for an animated short to be successful and hopefully, after reading it and reinforcing my idea, i'll be able to start drawing characters and building a world for my animation to be set in.

So after a bit of an excited rant about how I'm going to improve my skills over the next couple of months I have to move on to the much more exciting news!

It all begins with my difficult trip back from Sheffield after handing in my final piece of work to Uni. I arrived back in the town around 7 miles from the village I live in and my dad couldn't pick me up so there would be a long wait for the crappy bus system in place around here. I had some time to kill, so I decided to visit the marketplace, that, ever since I could remember had a second hand market full of collectibles and antiques etc. every Friday. It was normally incredibly boring, with medals and coins, vases and old furniture and other stuff fairly uninteresting to me. I decided I'd walk around anyway, thinking to myself, "Hey, there could be some old cool movie poster or even something animation-related" (That was extremely unlikely). I began to walk around only to see the boring usual stuff but as I was leaving the last stall, the very last thing I saw caught my eye and this is where any animators/Disney fans (Not all Disney fans are animators but all animators are generally Disney fans :)) will share my happy surprise. There sat a collection of early 1960's Disney Storybooks, all hardback in the original sleeve. I told the guy I was an animation student and he offered to sell me them for £8. I couldn't say no so I got them and here they are :D

I know I'm incredibly geeky but they had all the original illustrations from the films with drawings I'd never seen of stories they hadn't made into films yet.
Anyway, I think that's it for today, I'll probably upload something tomorrow about my project, it seems to be coming along at a good speed. Bye for now.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Summer 2011 Showreel

Thought I'd just post my showreel here to show anyone who hasn't seen it on my YouTube/Twitter. Any comments would be great.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Three down, one to go

It's been a ridiculously long time since my last post so I thought I'd make this a good one.

Firstly, third year is pretty much finished!

I've been busy completing my animated final piece for this year which I am happy to say is done and handed in now. I'll cut straight to it, here's my final animated piece. I'm not completely happy with it but I never am. The final render had a couple of glitches but overall I think I've learnt so much from this project and I'm really pleased with the overall visual style of it. Anyway, here it is:

Well I can't really say much that what do you guys think? I'm fairly pleased with the outcome although I think my main problem throughout was how limiting my rigs were. This problem can pretty much only be fixed by going back to the original models and although we were allowed to carry on with this project next year, I've decided to start something totally different. I think I've got the most out of this animation as I can at the moment and really can't wait to start on another project.

Speaking of that, I've been brainstorming ideas for animations I could do over the next couple of months while I have time to develop my skills. One idea that I've had, which I'm really pleased involves a gypsy, an old man and a love potion gone wrong. It was inspired by a song that I'll hopefully be using as the soundtrack and I'm excited to start working on it straight away.

I started working on some concepts for the gypsy character and as soon as I have a few different designs I'll upload them here. Other than that I've been working on my showreel for this year. The only problem with this is that I've not actually got a lot of finished pieces of animation to put into it. So I decided to make a short animation with an alien rig I downloaded to finish my showreel off.

So I'll leave you with that. I'm off now to read and think about my next project, hope you enjoy it. Tomorrow I'll try to upload my showreel.

Also just realised that I uploaded the wrong resolution render of the animation so I'll uplo

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Still here. Just very busy..

16 days! I can't believe it's been so long since I last did a blog post. Uni has been crazy lately and I've barely found enough time to leave the flat, never mind write up a blog post. Anyway, here's a quick blog post to get me back into the swing of things and keep you updated on my project and progress.

I've been trying to get all of my characters modelled, textured and rigged, ready to animated (which I should have been doing for a couple of weeks now). So you can imagine how panicked things have been, not to mention how stressed out everyone on our course has been. Once again, the lack of teaching in the modelling, texturing and especially rigging throughout the first two years has really hindered the progress I've been making but as usual I've just got on with it. The modelling and texturing didn't come as too much of a problem as I've been drawing for years and what skills I have in painting have been pretty easily transferable to 3DS Max. The main thing that has put me behind has to be the rigging element of the project. I had no idea when I started rigging how difficult and precise everything had to be, and in particular how much of a problem a high-poly model would be to rig.

This took me a couple of weeks to really get my head around but when I finally managed it, I started to make some progress. Now I have two and a half out of three characters modelled and one of those fully rigged. I plan to get the third character's modelling finished and the second character rigged tomorrow. The first character I finished is now also finally in the scene :) which is great. Finally I can see it all coming together. So anyway, here's the character in the scene. Not an amazing render but I'm happy with it all the same and I'll make sure I get a few others uploaded soon.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Top Ten Films and and character modelling update

So I said that I'd give you guys my top 10 films of all time about three days ago. I know you probably weren't on the edges of your seats but I didn't have any time over the last few days to do a blog. Anyway, here they are and then I can finally get onto some real animation talk:

10. Karate Kid

9. Star Wars Original Trilogy

8. Kill Bill Vol. 1/2

7. Dark Knight

6. Role Models

5. Princess and the Frog

4. Aladdin

3. X-Men 1/2

2. Shrek 1/2

1. Toy Story Trilogy

And there's another one that has only recently (since I originally wrote this list) shot towards the top of my list would be Disney's latest, and one of their greatest films, Tangled. So it deserves a special mention here :)

And so now I can finally get to some of my own work, diverging from all of this much more professional work above.

I've been spending a lot of time finishing up characters for rigging them (which I started today).

Here are some renders of the waitress and the main male character for my animation.


So basically that's how much I've done in regard to that project and my aniamtion project is also coming along pretty well, although I don't have any up-to-date renders. Again, when I get next get chance to update this blog on my project I'll be back.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Hair finally modelled, animation and my top films of all time

Feel like it's been ages since i've blogged (and it probably has) so I better make it a good one :)
Basically I've been spending all of my time trying to model some hair for this character and it's driving me up the wall! Everything I tried ended up looking too flat and I couldn't get a really good alpha texture in time to keep up with my deadlines so I eventually decided to change the style into something much more choppy.

This is what I came up with after hours and hours of tests and many falling outs with the program:

No doubt I'll change it as I'm still not happy with it but it'll do for now. I'd really appreciate pointers on this because it's all a bit chaotic at the moment trying to get this sorted.

Anyway, onto better news, I'm really getting somewhere with my animation. I've so far animated around 4 seconds of the male's side of the 11 second dance I've put to music. Its pretty fast paced but so far I think I've got the timing right and it's quite smooth for my first properly animated piece. Again, here's what I have so far, the music isn't attached but I'm sure you can use your imaginations :)

So, other than that I've spent any free time I can borrowing dvds from the library with my flatmate as we've taken on the mammoth task of watching all of Empire Magazine's Top 500 Years of all Time. We're currently around 150 in, so it's going to take us a while to finish. Most recently was tonight with Hellzapoppin', which is one of the most hilariously wacky films I've ever seen.

Hellzapoppin' (1941)

So after watching this, and a long conversation with another friend on what our favourite films of all time are (not necessarily the best but our favouite), I decided to make a list of my top 20. The first 10 I'll post tonight and the second 10 I can post tomorrow as I'm practically falling asleep writing this. Night all.

20. The Green Mile

19. House of Flying Daggers

18. Scream

17. Harry Potter

16. Breakfast at Tiffany's

15. It's a Wonderful Life

14. Mrs Doubtfire

13. Beetlejuice

12. Nightmare Before Christmas

11. Back to the Future

So those are 20-11 and as soon as I wake from the deep sleep i'm about to enter I'll tell you the rest :)