I've been watching a lot of Nikita yesterday, which is one of the best shows I've seen in ages. I seriously recommend watching it if you're not already. Anyway, I wanted to do a quick model and get it textured for some practice so I took some inspiration from the spy show by making a part of an upscale hosue/mansion. I know it may not seemed linked, but I liked the look of the houses these diplomats or heads of corporations meet that always seem to be robbed/have an assasination attempt happen there. I'm going to keep building onto it so I can make a nice scene and possibly even do a bit of an animation set there if I can make some appropriate characters. Here is my progress on it, I started last night and worked till around 1am then finished modelling and started the texturing this morning/afternoon. It's far from finished but I'm quite happy with the results so far. Comments would really be appreciated along with any ideas you might have on things to include in the scene, it'll help me a lot.

I'm off to bed now as I'm at work again in the morning. I'll try to do another blog post, along with some more of this 3DS Max work and update you on it tomorrow.
Oh and just because I feel like it's my duty as an animator and a comic fan to share this:
I give you the trailer for the Batman Year One animation. Can't wait to see it
Get More: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
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