First of all came a request from my friend/a talented hotography student who wanted me to draw "a dinosaur in a top hat serving tea and cake to an owl in a waistcoat and a lion in a bowtie". This was not the best drawing of the lot but I was laughing while I drew it so I'll upload it anyway:

Next was a fairly specific request by flatmate/fellow Tweeter/blogger/animator Basil Baradaran ( And I quote, "A skydiving giraffe with Zach Galifianakis riding atop it like Major Kong riding the bomb in Dr Strangelove"
Now this was a fun one to draw. I had never drawn a giraffe OR Zach Galifianakis before so it would be a challenge. I roughed out a drawing of how it would look first and did a more detailed version afterwards:

And as I was uploading these to Twitter I started to get more and more requests. The next was by my University tutor Mel ( "Doc and Marty smashing through the marshmallow man in the DeLorean while it's fighting with a dinosaur a-la King Kong". Now everyone loves a bit of 80's inspired Kaiju mayhem so I set to work and I think this was the most fun to be honest. Reminded me of old Power Rangers episodes so I used the set up of those big monster battles as inspiration:

Then we have a lovely request from a 3D artist Dave (@dave_A_davidson - Now I'm trying to remember this tweet because it was somehow deleted from Tweetlonger "A rabbit fishing at a lake with a few dragonflies, frogs and other things not made too cheesy. Some mushrooms and trees etc." It sounded like a nice drawing so I decided to really go for realism on this one and try out making a realistic composition:

Then finally, an actor/writer from Twitter (again) asked if I could draw a picture for some inspiration for a screenplay he is writing. A story about a guy who sees himself as a superhero (can't give details). He wanted an image of himself drawn heroically with ripped muscles etc. I found it quite a strange and funny one to draw. The proportion is slightly off but it's not too bad. Anyway, here it is. I'd appreicate any comments/criticisms you can give me :)

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