Just about to go to bed but I thought I'd do a quick blog post before I sign off. I've been working on my project for next year a bit more today, although I did take a couple of hours off to go to town to buy Tangled on bluray, such a good purchase. Anyway, I don't want to say much about my project but I've decided it'd be a more fun and make the animation a lot more unique if I set it in a different time period. I'm torn between the 50's and 60's so I'e decided to go with the middle of the two. I'm currently researching pop culture, fashion, hairstyles and television/music/films of the time to get a good grasp on what it was like. I think my idea is good enough that, if I put a lot of effort into the story and take my time practicing character modelling and rigging then it can definitely be my best piece yet.
I've started watching almost exclusively 1950's/60's films, with greats like Monroe, Hepburn, Brando, James Stewart, Tony Curtis etc. to get a real feel for the time and it's so interesting I think I'll really enjoy designing the place and people. Today I started by doing some concept art for the sorts of clothes the people might wear, not one character in specific, but anyone. The first I've done is a summer sort of dress quite typical of a young woman in the fifties. I think with digital art techniques I'm learning from ImagineFX I shouldn't have a problem with the concept art side of it.
I have started thinking and doing preproduction work so early because I don't want to rush it. I think this early stuff is really important and I didn't really atke enough time to think things over in the last project, so I won't be making the same mistake this time. Well, I think I'll just leave you with this drawing I did earlier and promise that more will come soon.
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