Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Been a busy day so far, got up early to watch my new Bluray edition of The Hunger Games before work and was so surprised how in depth the special features were. If you, like me, are interested in just about every aspect of film it's a must purchase even if you're not particularly bothered by the film itself. The 8-part making of seems to be around half an hour per part which is really unusual; you're lucky to get an hour of special features if any these days. Everything from casting and production design to screenwriting and direction is explored, I really recommend getting it. I still haven't managed to watch it all so that'll be what I'll be doing once I've finished this blog post. Aside from telling you what I've been spending all my hard earned money on I've also been working on my drawing a little more today (although there was only a couple of people on the train today) and I've also had some exciting news on the job front. I haven't actually applied yet, I've just found out about a great position in the company I work for that'd be perfect. To prepare for this job, well graduate scheme, and make myself as employable as possible I've decided to learn web design as it is one of the many things the job could entail. I saw an offer on Groupon that I'll be going for, which is a group of 37 webmaster courses including everything from design to coding and at the reasonable price of £99. I figure if I pay for it then I'll force myself to get the most out of it rather than just looking for web tutorials that I can send to the bottom of the never-ending pile of bookmarks I currently have to work through. Aside from that I've got a few more drawings that I did recently that I've yet to upload here. As I'm off tomorrow I'll probably do a couple of posts to show my latest projects. First of all, Jon Snow from HBO's Game of Thrones. Been a couple of months since I drew this one but I saw it again today and surprisingly I'm still quite happy with it:
Next we have a quick sketch I did of Sarah Michelle Gellar pulling a face. Doesn't look too much like her but it was more to try some exaggerated facial expressions, and it didn't take long:
Another couple of drawings I did of some members of the public while I was sat in Costa coffee waiting for the train:

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