I've been trying to get all of my characters modelled, textured and rigged, ready to animated (which I should have been doing for a couple of weeks now). So you can imagine how panicked things have been, not to mention how stressed out everyone on our course has been. Once again, the lack of teaching in the modelling, texturing and especially rigging throughout the first two years has really hindered the progress I've been making but as usual I've just got on with it. The modelling and texturing didn't come as too much of a problem as I've been drawing for years and what skills I have in painting have been pretty easily transferable to 3DS Max. The main thing that has put me behind has to be the rigging element of the project. I had no idea when I started rigging how difficult and precise everything had to be, and in particular how much of a problem a high-poly model would be to rig.
This took me a couple of weeks to really get my head around but when I finally managed it, I started to make some progress. Now I have two and a half out of three characters modelled and one of those fully rigged. I plan to get the third character's modelling finished and the second character rigged tomorrow. The first character I finished is now also finally in the scene :) which is great. Finally I can see it all coming together. So anyway, here's the character in the scene. Not an amazing render but I'm happy with it all the same and I'll make sure I get a few others uploaded soon.